Monday, November 25, 2013

I Need A New Watch

Where do the weekends go?  It was an unexpected busy weekend.  The brother-in-law and sister-in-law along with their kids came and spent Saturday and Sunday with us. I always love when they come but, great goodness the messes that occur when there are 4 kids ages 5 and under in one house for the weekend. I kid you not, every toy in Clayton's room was in the middle of his floor.
Before they came Saturday, I did a 4 mile run at about a 9:15 min/mile pace with six sets of a strides at the end. When I got done I was picking around with Jody in the yard and was proving to him that I could hold a plank longer than he could. I took my gps watch off so I could see the timer and I have no idea where my watch is now. So, I guess I am now in the market for a new watch. 
Yesterday was my long run and was supposed to be 16 miles. I started around 3:15 and went up and down every (safe) street in town two or three times. Somewhere around mile nine the gps signal on my phone went out so, I lost track of my mileage and pace. Isn't it odd how that just so happened on a day when I didn't have my watch?  To the best of my figuring I think my run was 14.7 miles at an average of 10:23 min/mile pace. Not the sixteen I was shooting for but, dang technology issues got the best of me. 

Any suggestions on watches?
How do you make adjustment when technology fails?

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