Monday, May 19, 2014

Oops....I Just Realized I Haven't Blogged in 2 Weeks

Time flys when you are having fun. I am not even sure where the last two weeks have gone. A good bit has gone on since May 4. From what I can remember I had a good running week that first week. The sinus/cold mess finally started to clear and I could breath well enough to run again.   That was also the week the hubs and I celebrated our ten year anniversary. Talk about where has the time gone!!!!  We had a mini vacay to the beach. It was just the two of us. We have not gone away, just us, since the kiddo's arrived. We had some much needed quality time with each other. Here is where we started in 2004 

And here we are 10 years later
I have done some shorter 2-3 mile runs this week and a hill workout. I have been working a stretch of 4 twelve hr shifts in a row, so that prevents much distance running. 
I have also added insanity back into my routine. I hate that workout but, last time I did it I turned out my fastest times to date in 5k's and half marathons. I really think it is a great workout for core strengthening. I am going to give it a month and see what I get. 
We are going back to the beach this weekend and I will be running in a 10 k there on Saturday. I am really excited!  

Sunday, May 4, 2014

Weekly Update

This update will be short and sweet because I have done pretty much no workouts!!!  I am pretty sure I have the never ending cough.  I have been through bottles of cough med's and have done nebulizer treatments.  It sucks.  I feel good otherwise but, just not good enough to be able to breath and run much at the same time.  I haven't really pushed it too much because I don't want to over do it and risk not being at 100% for that much longer.  
I did do another 5 K last Saturday and gave it my all.  I felt like I had half of a lung and was about to cough it up.  I ended up finishing in 26:52.  A minute slower than the previous week but, considering the circumstances I am pleased.  I was second in my age division and I think maybe 20th overall.  
Sunday, I packed up to go to the beach for a few days with my little ones.  We had a nice day on the beach Monday and got to spend some quality time with some friends.  We ended up cutting the trip short because there were supposed to be some heavy storms coming through and I decided I would rather be inland.  It was nice while it lasted though.

Wednesday, I did get a short hill workout in for a total of 4 miles with my buddy Nikki.  We did a mile warm up, then 10 hill repeats, followed by 2 miles slow pace.  I coughed most of the time but, was just happy to get some running in.  I did about an hour of strength training Friday and a slooooooow 3 miles Saturday.  Hopefully I am on the mend and can start picking the pace back up in the next few days.