20.01 flipping miles I ran today. This is the longest mileage I am to run withmy marathon training plan. During my last mile, I was pretty sure that I was going to die. My calf muscles were tight, quads hurt, and cramps in my hip flexors. I am looking for suggestions in what do do in the next 4 weeks to make sure I cross the finish line in my inaugural 26.2.
20 miles is a hard run, I'd expect to hurt at the end. Was it just the pain that made you feel so bad, or is is possible you bonked nutritionally? (also, if you only hurt the last mile, that's pretty good!) Do you stretch after, foam roll, do trigger point or anything like that? All options to consider. The cramps probably mean you're using the muscles/tendons in a way they're not used to (if, for example, your form changes because you are tired) or they're just fatigued, which is part of the adaptation process. Make sure you're getting a good recovery snack (e.g., protein/carb drink like Ultragen or whatever works for you) within about the first hour after, that will help recovery. How old are your shoes? When do you plan to break in a new pair prior to the race? If your shoes are broken down, that can change gait, cushioning feel. Congratulations on finishing even thought it felt bad - that will help you in the race as the last miles are tough, pretty much no matter what I think. I have found Sage Rountree's book on recovery for athletes helpful as well as her yoga books/videos. If you have a massage therapist you trust, might want to schedule a visit, same with chiropractor - not too close to race day of course, but you're far enough out now you should be ok. Good luck in your marathon!!