Yesterday marked another milestone mileage for me. They were slow miles but, they were running miles. In the end I logged 18.34 miles in 3:24 only walking to hydrate, refuel, and during one water bottle malfunction. For fueling I used jelly beans every thirty minutes and a GU at 1:30 in. My method seemed to work well. I felt great until around mile 16 when I started to feel like in between my big toes on both feet were splitting open. Around this same time I also began having a little tightness in my left hip flexor. It seems my hip flexors are always the first thing to know when they have hit mileage they have never seen before.
When I arrived back home, I was a little afraid to take my shoes off to see what was going on with my feet. To my surprise (and relief) I couldn't see any visible problems. Today, I did have blisters show up in these areas.
I began my new job today so, I knew an ice bath would be a must post run yesterday. I tolerated it some better this time.
Completing the 18+ miles yesterday really gave me a confidence boost in believing that I can finish a marathon.
This leaves me with a few questions that I would love to hear from you all about.
How many miles do you get up to in a long run during preparation training?
Is there anything I can do to prorect my feet from this blistering?
What are you refueling methods? Any of you use jelly beans? What's the big deal with Swedish fish?
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