Yes, I have been MIA for a week from the blogging world and basically from the running world as well. Last week was a short work week for me and I was looking forward to kicking it off but, unfortunately the stomach bug that has slowly been visiting us one by one and week by week knocked on my door Wednesday morning. It kicked my butt worse than any run could ever do. I stayed on my couch long enough to watch Gone With the Wind two and a half times.
Sickness couldn't hold me down for long though, I had people to feed, a house to clean, and Black Friday shopping to do. Slowly but surely I managed to do all of the above after thoroughly disinfecting my house for the third time now. I seriously thought about serving Thanksgiving lunch from my floor due to its cleanliness.
I braved the Black Friday crowds with my sister in laws as it is a tradition for us and we enjoy the time with each other. I didn't really buy a whole lot this year but, l enjoyed my company.
Saturday was rivalry Saturday in South Carolina so off I went to see my Gamecocks beat those stinky Tigers for the FIFTH straight year!!!!
I love Gamecock football. I was brought up on it and for as long as I can remember I have been going to the games. My oldest dearest friends (the twins) have been there through most seasons with me. Our friendship dates back to my birth.
These guys were even cool enough to have both had jobs working on the Gamecock sidelines.
I let a few stinky tigers hitch a ride to the game with me but, they didn't have much to say on the way home. One of these gals is my dear sister in law and the other is another friend that dates back to kindergarten.
Sunday I was to do a long run and had perfect conditions for it. I set out for an 18 miler and accomplished 5 miles. I have never had a run that bad. My legs were heavy, I had a spot hurting on my foot, and I just couldn't make myself run another step. I have heard people talk about bad runs and now I know what they mean. I have had times where I didn't want to go but, I was glad I did it afterward but, I have never had a day like this. I am blaming it on my stomach bug and poor appetite/diet that I had in the days following that. I guess my body just wasn't ready. Anyway, I can't dwell on the bad so, I am looking forward to having an awesome week to make up for it.
Tonight we decorated our tree. The boys were interested in helping for about 10 seconds and then they were off doing something else. I am not sure how the tree has a needle left on it. I have swept up enough to restraw my flower beds.

So how do you make up for bad runs?
Colored lights or white lights in your tree?
Real tree or artificial?