Monday, November 4, 2013

Weekend Review

So, life happens and I am not complaining. Last week was abnormally busy and I didn't come close to getting my weekly mileage in. I picked up extra hours at my part time job, had a late afternoon meeting one day, trick or treating with the kiddo's one day, and stormy weather one day. How often does this happen to others?  What do you do you do to make up for this?
Yesterday, I went for a run in another town. I love running in different places. It makes the time spent running go extremely fast and I don't notice litte aches and pains as much.  My sister in law watched the kids while I ran and met me at a park across town. I must admit I was a little disappointed when she sent me a text saying she was leaving her house to head for the park. I was having one of those days that I felt like I could run forever.  
Saturday was a fun day. Colton got to experience his first #gamecocks football game. He had a blast and I am pretty sure I have another little gamecock for life. Here are a few pictures of him from gameday......
I am thinking he must be doing his impression of Miley in the top pictures. He kept sticking his tongue out everytime I attempted to snap a picture. 


  1. When I don't get in the mileage I need (like when I'm training for something) I take my running clothes with me and run on my lunch break. Sure I'm a little stinky for the rest of my day but I can totally get in 4 miles. Or I make a running date with a friend at a time I don't usually run (like the evening), treadmill when I have a gym membership or my fave one extra long run (when I'm just making up one or two runs). Mostly if it's a random week here or there, I cut myself some slack and make sure I'm more consistent, than I'm not. It's good for our bodies to get a break sometimes :)

    1. +RunningMama, thank you for the add. I am sorry if I have multiple replies to you showing up on your end. I have typed a reply several times but, none are showing up on my end. Blogging is extremely new to me so, I am learning the ropes.
      I would love to be able to sneak in a run during lunch but, I am a nurse and do not get a "lunch break". Running with friends is an issue for a soon to come blog post =) . I will do the "dreadmill" if that is the last resort of a chance to get a run in. Usually, I do the cutting myself a break method.
