On Tuesday of week 3 I did a 4 mile slow run and finished up with some strides. Had a total of 4.4 miles. I ran across the lake in my town and saw this guy...
Thursday of week 3 I did a 3.5 mile run and I don't remember much about it 😁.
I had really good intentions of running 4 miles Saturday morning but never got around to it. It was my oldest child's birthday so, I found it to be way more important to hang out with him that morning and then I was busy getting things in line for his party.
I can't believe that I now have a 6 year old. If I was a betting person, I would bet that he will be voted class clown for his Sr. superlatives (his mama was 😳😜).
Again, I had intentions to sneak in a few miles after the party but, a chance came up for me and all of my sister-in-laws to go out for some girl time and there was no way I was turning that down.
I love these girls and we had a blast...
Week 4 pretty much just didn't happen. My work schedule was crazy. I work 12 hour shifts and only had one day off between Monday and the next Saturday. That one day off was spent doing major cleaning.
Week 5 has been going much smoother so be on the lookout for the recap coming soon.
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